Smart and Safe Rappelling Techniques

Discover fifty modern techniques for rappelling in many situations. For many climbers, rappelling is perceived as 'the most dangerous part of the day.' This course is tailored to replace fear with confidence inspiring skills. After mastering these skills and techniques, rappelling will shift from a stressful gamble into a low-stress puzzle of choosing the right tool for each situation.

Do You Avoid Rappelling Whenever Possible?

  • Have your walked miles and miles off a route, just to avoid rappelling?
  • Been in a situation where the stress level was uncomfortably high due to the descent?
  • You've wondered how other climber get down so quickly
  • You are curious to learn skills you don't know you didn't know

If Yes, Then This Course Is Built For You:

  • 25+ real-life rappelling situations demonstrated
  • Rescue skills for when disaster strikes
  • Simple quick training to keep you from disaster striking in the first place

Easy To Complete

Complete this course at your pace.

Forever Access

MTN Sense offers no subscriptions, no time limits, and avalanche certification. Reference this course forever.

Join 1300+ students

Lots of skiers and splitboarders have happily completed this avalanche online training course.

What sets this course apart?

  • Get educated on your schedule.
  • Access future updates for free.
  • Ask direct questions to Mark Smiley throughout.
  • Safe learning environment. Be bold with your questions.

Avalanche Course Video Curriculum

Course Overview
  • Introduction (1:16) Preview
  • Disclaimer: Watching Videos Does Not Make You An Expert
Setting Up A Rappel
  • 3 Always & 3 Nevers (2:27)
  • Inspect the Anchor (2:57)
  • Knots: 1 Great & 3 Not-So-Great Rope Joining Knots (5:21)
  • Extending Your Belay Loop (10:58)
  • Tethers & Anchors Explained (5:01)
  • Saddle Bags Giddy Up (4:06)
  • Knots in Rope Ends (Always?) (4:36)
  • Throwing Rope Like A Boss (2:00)
  • 4 Ways To Go Hands Free (5:05)
  • One Gri Gri One ATC (4:50)
  • Pull vs Flip the Rope (3:25)
  • Fatal Mistakes (3:50)
  • Rappelling At The Crag (3:04)
  • Formative Assessment: 1
Multi-Pitch Efficiencies
  • 34 Rappels Under Seracs and Cornices (1:21)
  • Entering Mega Exposed Rap Stations (4:27)
  • Pre-Rigged Rappel (7:32)
  • Simul-Rappelling (4:35)
  • Double Check The System (2:27)
  • Shorter IS Better (2:32)
  • Pin Halfway with the Device (0:45)
  • Get Off Rappel Quickly (7:48)
  • Overhanging & Traversing Rappels (2:20)
  • Footwear
  • Formative Assessment: 2
Skinny Ropes & Tag Lines
  • Rappel on 6mm Cords? (6:41)
  • Rigging A Tag Line (2:47)
  • Bonus: V-Thread Ice Anchor Rappels (10:04)
  • Tag Line Recommendation (17:42)
  • Formative Assessment: 3
Rescue: When It Hits the Fan
  • Snagged Rope (9:19)
  • Dropped Device? Poop! 2 Ways To Deal (4:05)
  • Hair Caught in Device (3:48)
  • Off Route? Reascending Double Ropes (4:54)
  • Ambition Exceeding Talent? Bailing Mid Pitch (9:10)
  • Pass A Knot On Steep Terrain (3:30) Preview
  • Got Friction? Rock & Tree Anchors (2:06)
  • Lowering A Climber (8:45)
  • Core Shot Rope? Poop! No Need For 9-1-1 (12:53)
  • Bailing Off Two Nuts (7:41)
  • Tandem Rappelling (10:37)
  • Beal Escaper (4:06)
  • Counterbalance Rappel
  • Ropes too short?
  • Formative Assessment: 4
Uncommon Party Tricks
  • Arm Wrap Down a Fixed Line (4:26)
  • Equivocation Hitch (4:04)
Beginner's Guide to Belayed Rappels - BSA Specific
  • Trust the System (0:57)
  • Introduction To Belayed Rappelling (1:42)
  • Good Site Selection (2:34)
  • Bonus: Munter Mule Overhand Knot (3:01)
  • Rigging A Releasable Rappel Rope (14:45)
  • Strong Body Position (1:54)
  • Dealing with Fear & Hair (8:59)
  • Big Packs & Pear Shaped People (2:15)
  • Formative Assessment: 5

Enroll Here

Digital Avalanche Course

Your pace. Yours forever.
  • Complete the video course on your schedule. Reference lessons in the future.
  • Ask Mark Smiley direct questions.

Digital Avalanche Course

Your pace. Yours forever.
  • Complete the video course on your schedule. Reference lessons in the future.
  • Ask Mark Smiley direct questions.

Digital Avalanche Course

Your pace. Yours forever.
  • Complete the video course on your schedule. Reference lessons in the future.
  • Ask Mark Smiley direct questions.
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No items found.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long do I have access to this online avalanche course?

Forever - across any devices you own.

When does the course start and finish?

There are four Tier 2 and Tier 3 live zoom calls. When you sign up today you will be grouped with that cohort and be given a schedule of events. The live zoom calls and field days are the only fixed date events. Everything else has flexibility.

Is a refund an option?

All courses have a 365 day money back guarantee.

Can I ask Mark Smiley questions throughout the course?

Yes. Every lesson has a place for questions, and Mark will reply personally. We will meet twice a month, from Nov 15 - May 15, via Zoom. The mountain meet-ups will also be a great time to connect and ask questions in real time.

Who is Mark Smiley?

Mark Smiley's passion for adventure has taken him on 30+ expeditions on five continents. He and his wife, Janelle, are the only people that have attempted to climb all 50 Classic Climbs of North America (48 successfully). He was part of a team to set a world record skiing across the entire Alps Mountain Range (1100 miles and 292,000 vertical feet) in a mere 36 days.

His avalanche safety training style is fun, mellow, and easy to understand. As an IFMGA Certified Mountain Guide, Mark Smiley is among the world's elite guides to have reached this status. More important than this certification is his candid style of conveying the best avalanche skills training techniques that will benefit you the most.

Victor Caldua was a friend and mountain guide and father who died in an avalanche while climbing Alpamayo, Peru. He left behind a wonderful wife, Alicia, and two amazing and talented daughters, Vanessa and Estefani. 10% of the profit from this course will be gifted to Victor's family for their education expenses. Vanesse wants to be an engineer and Estefani wants to be a mountain guide.

Sept 1, 2023 Update: $10,000+ sent to Victor's family, to help with school expenses. We are committed to supporting their needs indefinitely. As more people enroll, his kids' education prospects increase.